"And He said to them, 'Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some'. So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish." - John 21:6
Once again we find our famous fishermen, who have been toiling all day and night, without any fish to give them satisfaction of accomplishment (or food to fill their stomach's for that matter). Suddenly, they hear a command to cast their net on the right side of the boat. Last time they had heard something similar to this (Luke 5:4-5) they were skeptical (but obeyed) while this time, they simply obey. The result: a huge catch! The questions to ask ourselves are: What did these disciples do to make a great catch? What great thinking & intellegence did they possess to create such a great catch? What program(s) did they use to become fisherman with full nets?
The answers may surprise you: (1) they obeyed Jesus, (2) none, they obeyed Jesus and (3) none, they obeyed Jesus. Interesting huh?
Yet, sometimes we as humans are quick to take credit for our own "catch" or put stock in a "program" so we too can have a net full of fish of our own.
Be it in ministry or service the Lord has given you, you simply need to obey what the Lord is calling you to do. When you watch some other church with "full nets" and look to see what great attributes that pastor/leadership has or what program they may be using, you are not only looking at the wrong source but you are also possibly stealing glory from God! And if you give credit of your catch to your abilities or program, then you are more than likely stealing glory from God!
As churches, ministries, etc., let's simply obey Jesus doing what He calls us to do and stop trying to use our own ingenuity to get full nets. We also need to make sure we aren't comparing size of nets either - your "full" net may not be the same as someone elses "full" net. We don't get lazy in ministry but we can't think we're less "successful" simply because our net isn't as "full" compared to someone elses.
Remember, Jesus has everything to do with the catch - not you! Just obey.
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