Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Me Church

This is a humorous look at consumer oriented churches in our culture today. Some will do anything to get people into their churches - except teach the Word of God. As the church in America we need to stop fighting each other to get people into our buildings and instead focus on equipping the body (Ephesians 4:12) to do the work of the ministry. Instead of focusing on being "cool" and "like the world", we need to focus on Christ and Him crucified. Let's focus on the Word and not on cute catch phrased sermons with little content.

More so though it's a look at the hearts of many church goers in our churches today because we've marketed the church as a brand of store and taught them that church is all about them. Church has very little to do with us. If our mindset is what can we get out of church, then we are missing the One for whom we come to worship. Worship music isn't about how happy or emotionally charged we get from the singing and song selection, but us simply giving the glory to our Savior and the worth He is due. The teaching of the Word isn't for us to judge the pastor's style, but to hear what the Lord wants to say to us today. We shouldn't be focusing on attention on entertaining the people because the church isn't meant for entertainment as if it were another movie theatre or rec center, but rather teaching and training them to be more like the world.

Is your mindset, what can I get from the church today or is it what can I give to the Lord at church today? The proper mindset is what will keep you from looking for a me church.

1 comment:

  1. Amen brother! We need a revolution of expositional preaching founded in the word. It seems to me that a great place for that to start would be on a college campus, maybe one that calls itself Christian and boasts 10,000 students? I pray for that day.
