This was a post I originally wrote, on November 14, 2008, as part of a facebook note that I decided to repost today since I will once again be given the opportunity to serve by ringing the bell for the Salvation Army.
So today I had the unique opportunity to serve outside the Lynchburg Walmart as a bell ringer for the Salvation Army, you know, those people who wear the red aprons that stand near the red buckets that you give money to or that you avoid eye contact with in everyway possible. Yeah I was one of them today! Not that I willingly volunteered, but my buddy and old colleague, Darren Wu, came around asking us to take part and, because our office was having to do it anyways, I "volunteered" for the 2 - 3 PM time slot. Originally my pal and fellow coworker Dave Guthrie and I were going to do it together but due to some errors or what not, I was placed alone at the time slot. Alone for an hour, ringing a bell, and no one to talk to while busy shoppers walk by me - would I survive? Could I gain anything from this time? The answer to both was a resounding yes which is why I felt compelled to write an editorial about my experience.
I was first confronted, by that still small voice of the Lord, to make sure I am obeying what I just taught the Edge (the college/career ministry of Calvary Chapel Lynchburg) which was "and whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance, for you serve the Lord Christ." (Colossians 3:23-24). You see it could be quite easy for me to have a poor attitude towards this seeing how I am not the type who enjoys being looked at and watched unless I'm teaching or purposely doing something to gain attention, and this was part of my job at work for the day. Thankfully though the Lord brought this great Scripture to mind as soon as I started, before I would even have a chance to possibly grumble or complain, and I'm thankful for that because instead it gave me a joyous heart in serving in this manner. So much so that I'm likely to do it again next year if asked (or maybe if not asked I'll seek it out as a ministry opportunity). I was also impressed when "Linda", an employee at Walmart, took time during her 15 minute break to come stand beside me and ring. She rang very fast and very loud and put me to shame in my bell ringing ability (though I was trying to keep pace for the long haul) and she did this on her break without anyone asking her! Thanks Linda, whoever you are, for the company for those 10 or so minutes.
The Lord also used this opportunity to reveal a matter of the heart on my own lack of generosity. I found there were five types of people I encounted during my 63 minutes outside Walmart: (1) the generous, joyful giver, (2) the joyous giver who gives a little because they can, (3) the giver who gives out of a sense of guilt due to the fact that he was within range of both my tintinnabulation and eyesight and others may be watching if he/she gives or not, (4) the person who doesn't give either because they don't have any money/change or they don't want to but makes eye contact and says hello, and (5) the person who avoids you like a disease or pretends you don't even exist. The Lord showed me that often times I am either 3 or 4, sometimes 2, but never 1. Now there is nothing wrong with #2 as there is no requirement to give to the Salvation Army a very generous gift, but the point is would I if the Lord put it on my heart to do so and the answer to that is a sad no. I tend to justify this by saying "well I don't know how
much of my money actually is used for a good cause" which led me to look it up when I got back to the office (87 cents out of every $1 goes directly to the homeless, mentally ill, physically challenged, victims of drug and alcohol abuse, and others under our care) or by reminding myself of the fact of how I give to my church so there is not that need to give to something else generously. Again, it's not the matter of how much one gives but the willingness of the heart to give if felt compelled. I pray that I'd remember that the Lord provides and He will provide for me even if I give what I think I can't afford to someone or something else! I've never had wealth so it's always a step of faith to give more and it's a faith I need to start stepping out on more.

Lastly, I saw examples that I hope to pass on to my kids that was passed on to me by my mom of giving. Many parents would give their children the money to put into the kettle which my mom would also do for us. Sure, as kids you don't fully comprehend what you are doing when your parents give you that money, you just enjoy dropping something shiny into the pot, but it builds an example in teaching children to give. I was most impressed when a lady took out a five dollar bill and gave it to her child (I thought she was giving the child the $5 to hold onto while she searched for a $1 in her pocketbook) and then had the child place the $5 into the contained I had been standing beside this whole time ringing my little bell. The child had no idea the difference between a $1 and a $5 but I did and that's when the Lord spoke to me of my selfishness. I saw that $5 as a pizza or foot long sub meal for my wife and I (believe me that's almost gourmet for us since we don't get to eat out often) and was shocked that anyone would put "that much" in. But in all reality, "that much" is not much when you are trusting in the Lord and being led by Him in giving, whether or not $5 is simply spare change for you (and whether it was for this lady or not, I wasn't sure, but I do know people don't give $5 as a #2 or #3 type person). I need to be more "open handed" with my finances instead of "close fisted" allowing the Lord to break my heart to give. I may give to my church and those on mission trips but am I willing to give to strangers standing outside a store next to a bucket of sorts? I want to set the example to my son Caleb, future son Noah [editors note: no longer "future" son], and whatever other children the Lord blesses me with, to give generously and joyously, but to do that, I must become a #1 person myself.Amazing the heart lessons you can learn when you simply pray to the Lord to speak to you while you think you are simply doing the mundane.