"For when one says, 'I am of Paul,' and another, 'I am of Apollos,' are you not carnal?" - 1 Corinthians 3:4
Some division in the early church - a bit of what we still see today. Back then people were aligning themselves with the person who led them to Christ and claiming to be of that person. Paul tells them that this is carnality and goes on in the passage to say that the only One who matters is God and that the ministers aren't anything important. Instead of focusing on the person, we need to get our eyes back to the Lord Jesus.
Unfortunately, we still see division today when we align ourselves with certain denominations. I'm not saying that denominations are bad or evil. I'm focusing on those who will align themselves with a denomination and divide themselves from other Christians who are of a different denomination.
How does one know if there is a bit of division in their heart? Well if I were to say, "Pastor so and so" is speaking today and by the way he is a ________ (insert denomination), do you want to listen?" and you automatically assume he can't teach anything worthwhile because he is not of your denomination, then you are being carnal.
It's easy for us to get this way, because we are human, but we have to make sure we aren't dividing ourselves from the whole body of Christ because of our denominational affiliation (or lack thereof). When we do that the outside world sees a divided church. Let's keep the non-essentials, non-essential and find unity in those truths all true Christians hold too.